ermmm nth to i skiped the class again..zzz
upload some photo bah...
not really on blogging mode.
upload this photo to start my post...XD

hoho 24th August kc and zan come kampar find us...sipek eng...they two just finish thier exam..
but i thk find here find true love oso is their purpose lol...

prince kc

zan and me

kc,zan,xian ,me
haha we guys i thk hav 1 years din gether likt tis already...
thk back b4 F4/F3/F2 we always chat in task force...
play basketball...
ponteng...go cafe..steal rebina and scl t-shirt then kena caught..lie ppl...blow water..
kap roti when recess
kira this kira tat one sen oso cannot left..
wat thing oso hav to divide two..
ride motor go extension..
giv displine teacher cut hair...then kena laugh -.-
hostel oso let u all lie go rent then one month oso din go there =.=...
they come kampar oso not bad mar...
i dont like alcohol de oso froced drink wth u all..duiz...left howin...haha
then the next day early wake up go eat dim sam O.O...zzz
watever..thx guys..XDDDD
oh ya yi fan keyin and howin got chance u all come kampar again lar...
westlake better then batu ferringgi de ar...haha..
walao a big day...
balik hometown haha...i thk we gang hav almost 12 ppl...

me and xian


white colour tee is always single..haha
after reach BM ...go eat 1st le lar...
kc,ke yin,yi fan come and fetch time fetch back u all bah...
after eat fetch me back 1st...zzz
my house flood...but outside only...din reach car park...
car cannot in so i hav to walk in... pity me zzz
next time got money ..........
sure buy a higher shoes..^^

back house do wat?!
sure is go out le lar....
tat day i willing to be driver....becasue one car fetch 7 ppl..
haha just a normal honda...still old style tat type...
so...xing ku u all who sit behind le har...we and kc in front senang senang..
kc oso sek kia O.O...
tat day is sat O.o...plan go gurney but just reach penang then traffic jam already...
so i patah balik go queensbay...
hey i miss sushi...hoho...then we go sakae...
ermm eat very less only lar...
tis orange colour de dono call wat seem very cheap then we only order many lor...

after tat really din hav no place go already...
i go buy BR ice cream then 7 ppl sit there wait me eat only =.=
of course wan take photo 1st lar....

hoho...nice ya....
after tat we go drink tong zan when still wan go?
tat night we go watch movie...laughing gor..
walao his lala hair style same wth my one fren...
but laughing geh geli more lar..
the next day (sunday)
i go fustal..hoho..
9 ppl less one ppl!!!
zzzz.....tat absent de ppl come =die...he take the best decision...^^
eh afternoon fustal more time jior afternoon dowan midnight le lar...
sunday night go auto city...
tat day sipek many ppl O.O..heng heng i drive minicopper.............'s little bro go ar...
easy find parking...
after tat go dream..ermm
tats call clubbing?
tat night i back 1st lor...
because next day is a big day!
register for new time table O.O...
luckly i din purposely wait O.o...
sleep untill 9 like tis only wake up..
zzz 10 webside only open...damn O.0
afternoon when i know how to log in is too late...
some time i wan already full so i hav to rearrange all... sem i am alone T.T
so,who oso alone can find me too....
exam coming soon...=.=
i need someone guard me and teach me zzz
haizz good luck to me....
-the end-